What Is A Prepaid Funeral? The pre-paid funeral is an arrangement that allows an individual to pre-select his or her funeral plans (i.e. wake or viewing service, casket, flowers, cards, etc.). This arrangement can be made by the specific individual or on behalf of an...
Trusted Legal Advocacy Since 1936
Estate And Life Planning
Medical Directives
We have all read about the very public drama and personal tragedy to the Schiavo/Schindler families. The failure of Terri Schiavo to have a written document expressing her wishes for medical treatment was the “core” issue for her family and the courts that reviewed...
Buying Long-Term Care Insurance
Clients often ask “Do I need LTC?” Our answer to that question centers upon these statistics: One in every three people over 65 will need nursing care at some time in their life. Neither private health insurance, Medicare, nor your Medicare supplement will pay for...
Organ Donor Bill Becomes Law
As of July of 2009, New Jersey residents will be able to go online and designate themselves organ donors through a new Motor Vehicle Commission (“MVC”) website, which will be established under the “New Jersey Hero Act” (S-755). Initially, the MVC will establish a...
Selecting Your Agents
One of the essential decisions in estate and life planning is the selection of the individuals who will serve as the Executor, Trustees, Guardians or Agents. In making those decisions, it is important to review the duties and responsibilities of each of these roles....
Life Planning Tips
Everyone has heard the old adage, “Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” However, more often than not, we do not follow this principle. This column will provide you with some basic life planning steps that, if followed, will allow you and your family...
Durable Power of Attorney
Many people, especially as they get on in their years, choose to give a Power of Attorney (“Power”) to a friend or relative in whom they have confidence. This allows the holder of the Power to take care of the financial affairs in the event of illness or other...